Outcomes: Communication 6: 10, Self Direction:10.
For me this was a work of improvement. The reason why is that I have always been not a very social person and I use to not like to present in front of the class. But this presentation gave me a lot of confidence in me. I really did like the college unit that we did in advisory because sooner rather then later, I will be starting the college process. And in advisory, we had to make a mock college interview and I was able to express who I am to someone on a personal level and what I did say does seem like something that I would say to someone.
Outcomes: Visual Arts 1.1: 8.5, Visual Art 1.3: 9, Visualization: 9, Self Direction: 10.
The plaster subculture was by far my favorite media project that I ever did. I was truly a great experience working with plaster because this material is a very unique material to work with. For me the most challenging outcome was visual arts 1.1. For this outcome you need to experiment with and applying media, techniques and processes to create art. The reason why this outcome was so challenging was due to the fact that I did over carve my subculture and the technique I was using was not so great. My first time making my plaster, I messed up with the design and that got the molding of the subculture to not look right. Due to the amount of struggling that I had with this, Mr. Perry gave me the complete opposite of my subculture, it was very small and the molding was not messed up. After carving the subculture down, it was time for me to sand. And the sanding process is one of the most stressful processes because you need full concentration while doing it. But I did it and I did have a lot of fun doing it.
Outcomes: Research 3.2: 10, Writing 2A: 10, Writing 2B: 7, Writing 2C: 8, Writing 2D: 8, Writing 2E: 8.5
At first this project was a struggle for me. The reason why is that we had to formulate a research question. And that was not something that I was not that very good at. So due to me not being very good at it, I stayed after school a lot and with the help of my writing teacher, I was able to formulate a very strong research question. Due to me having a strong research question, it allowed for me to have a good start up for the rest of my project. I really enjoyed this project as an overall because I know that I am going to be doing a lot of research in the upper house of high school and even in college so it was very good for me to be able to gain that knowledge of how to do it well now and it did allow for me to gain knowledge about the Opium Wars due to the fact that that was the subject that I was researching.
Outcomes: Reading 1.1: 9, Research 2.1: 8.5, Research 3.3: 8, Self Direction: 10, Writing 4A: 8.5, Writing 4B: 10, Writing 4C: 8.5.
This project to me is truly meaningful. It was a paper about the Israeli Palestinian conflict. To me that issue is very meaningful due to the fact that I am an Israeli-American. This issue is very meaningful to me and it is something that is very emotional for me. I have bee learning about this issue for years due to the fact that I do have family in Israel and most of my family did serve in the Israeli army so it is something that does mean a lot for me. In 10th grade of Frank McCourt High School, there is a lot of emphasize of self direction. Self direction shows how much work can you do by yourself with out being reminded. It shows a lot of responsibility. This piece of work shows something that proves that I am self directing because I had to interview my dad and research things about the issue that I might have not known about. Overall this is the most meaningful piece of work to me and my favorite essay that I have ever written.